Last week, I volunteered at a Summer camp called Camp Wake. I spent an entire week with middle and high-school students. During my time there, I was reminded how important it is to invest in the lives of teens. While most of our time at camp was spent making up cheers, having fun and competing. We also got to hear a camp speaker, and after every talk one of our girls approached a leader to share and pray about a dark situation they were facing. These teenage girls were dealing with suicide attempts, death threats, emotional and even physical abuse. I was reminded how broken our world is, but I was also reminded of how BIG my GOD is. Though at first, I was saddened by each situation… I was also quickly reminded that God has a plan for each of them, and that this darkness would be no more. So today, I’d like to share with you about how someone else’s brokenness became a dream and a bright new future called TIARAS.

What is Tiaras? Share with us the vision and the dream?

Tiaras exists to Re-Write the statistics, one teenage girl at a time. The mission of Tiaras is to paint a picture of God’s perfect love to every teenage girl we encounter and Re-Writing the statistics of teen pregnancy, promiscuity and suicide. Through a revealing and relevant message based on 1 Corinthians 13, our mission is to let every teen girl know their completion comes from God alone and that they are Daughters of a King!


How did this dream come into fruition?

I, Lily Garcia, was speaking at a young woman’s conference in Ft.Lauderdale last year about our self worth & the way God sees us.  I had themed the night as “Princess Night” bringing crowns with me and pink royal touches not realizing God was about to birth a stirring within me called, TIARAS.

I’ve always felt drawn to younger women in this journey we call life. I grew up as not only a fatherless girl, but at age 19 learned I was the result of a violent act. My mom was date raped at age 21 and against all odds kept me. This truth marked my entire 20’s, I felt like I was an accident and I wasn’t supposed to be here. I went on to accept an unhealthy love story and gave myself to this relationship for over 10 years. Coming out of that unhealthy relationship awakened something in me to teach young girls & women, reminding them that they are beautifully and wonderfully made. That they have purpose and are God’s masterpiece, and that the love God intended for us to receive is defined clearly in 1 Corinthians 13.
The night I spoke, a mother of one of the college students attending the conference held my hand at the end of evening and said “I wish someone would have told me at a young age what you just told our daughters”. She wept. Confessed she was a statistic. Getting pregnant at 14 and having been in numerous abusive relationships, she had 5 children fathered by 5 different men. Her tears marked me and I asked God to help me find a way to create a pink box movement that will begin in America, but spread all over the world crowning girls from the US to Columbia, to Thailand and even huts in Africa, awakening the hearts of teen girls to the way God sees them!
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How can our community help?
Our ball events are completely sponsor and volunteer driven, and they are completely free to all girls.  You can either sponsor a TiarasGirl that evening by donating $10 on www.thelegacyministries.com. This pays for her crown, the experience, and her Devotional on “Shining Like Royalty” written by TIARAS;  or by donating dresses of all styles and sizes. We provide a Dress Boutique at the events so that underprivileged girls could select a free dress and come in all her splendor. (Miami donations can be dropped off this week at Christ Journey Church, from 9-5pm, email Vannia for more info.)
Who is it geared toward, and how can we be a part of it?

We gear our Ball events towards pre-teen, teens and young college girls. US statistics say that the average girl is giving away her purity at age 14. The US also leads the world with the highest rate of teen pregnancy, and the 3rd highest cause of death among our teens today is suicide. Therefore, our desire is to get to them as early as we can. How can you be a part of it? Bring your teen to the next event. Or volunteer at an upcoming ball, register at www.thelegacyministries.com as there are volunteer opportunities before, during and after the ball events. We also partner with volunteers in the Arts for all the artistic elements during the Ball experience, actors, photographers, dancers, and lay people wanting to make a difference. (*all volunteers subject to a background check)


Interested in volunteering or donating a lightly used dress? Email us today. We’d love to hear from you, let’s change the world, one girl at a time!

Vannia Enriquez

Vannia is Flair Miami's senior editor. Vannia has over 5 years experience in the journalism industry. She is an avid lover of Miami and all things fashion, fitness, food and fun!

7 Discussion to this post

  1. Lily Garcia says:

    So humbled by your post & belief in what God has laid in our hearts to run after. There are no words. Thank you for giving the girls of this generation a voice!! We will not relent as long as we have breath! Thank you for being an extension of us :)

    • Vannia says:

      It is an honor and a pleasure to help in any way I can! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us!” Eph.3:20

  2. Jewel says:

    Tiaras ball is exactly what our communities need across the globe because unfortunately, the hurt is universal. I so look forward to attending and to witnessing the catalyst of change in the life of a young girl. I am a Tiaras girl and serving these girls is a part of my purpose!

  3. Ana says:

    Thank you for being a voice, for letting our city know about TIARAS. I personally know the founder and the faces of the passionate volunteers that make this Ball Event a success everytime. Succes that comes in through the transformation of the teenagers that God brings to the Ball Event to learn about “TRUE LOVE”. Thank you again for helping us reach our South Flotida girls.

  4. Elizabeth Rios says:

    Love what this stands for. Thank you for sharing with us!

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