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♫ I’m a grooooown woman, I can do whatever I want. I’m a grooooown woman…

Though I can’t say I’ve grown in stature since my high school & college years, ;) I can say that I’ve learned quite a few life-lessons throughout. Therefore, I have grown after all. I’m a grooooown woman & I can do whatever I want. And I chose this… Because after all, wisdom does come with age.

Here are 10 sings you’re a grown woman/man:

    1. You search for a greater purpose and help others.
      Life eventually stops evolving around you. Your realize that other people’s needs are also important & there are others who have way bigger than problems you do. You acknowledge that life is fleeting & choose to be a part of something bigger. So you learn to love God & love others & live well
    2. Family matters…
      Yelling at your parents because they wouldn’t extend your curfew… Getting mad at mom because she wouldn’t give you privacy, & fighting with your siblings for the remote control… These things eventually become a thing of the past. Family is precious, they really did want the best for you (Okay, maybe not your entire family, but most…) & they still do! You make time for them & don’t miss an opportunity to show them you care!
    3. Friendships don’t just happen.
      Seeing your friends in the hallways, catching up during lunch, & having hours to talk on the phone was a huge commodity. As you get older, you fall into the 9-5 routine and learn it’s no longer as easy to stay in touch. Eventually, you also learn to prioritize your time & make time for the friends that matter. True friendship lasts a lifetime & it’s okay to pick up right where you left-off, regardless of your age/stage.
    4. You stop searching for the “perfect” one.
      You realize that no one is perfect & that love is an action verb. It takes time & effort. But you’re perfectly okay with the work that it entails — because in the end if you’re with the right person, it’s worth every minute!
    5. You fail forward!
      Chances are that at some point in your life something or someone will probably fail you. Heck, even your own ideas don’t always work as they should. But you don’t beat yourself up over it, you get up and try again. You keep the innovation coming, but try to not repeat the same mistake. You just make new ones…
    6. You stop comparing.
      You learn that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Your days of constantly comparing are far behind you. You know YOUR gifts, talents and passions, and you grow them. You are a unique and beautiful being, and you’re okay with that!
    7. You are not anxious… You think of the future but live in the now.
      Thinking of the future, saving for retirement, not getting into debt, and setting goals are all good things. But if they slowly become obsessions and you forget to cherish the small details of life, they become bad things. Now, you take time to smell the flowers, you treat yourself to a good meal and do it with the ones you love. You have no time to worry about tomorrow, you enjoy the present and plan wisely for a better tomorrow.
    8. Change is inevitable, and you like it that way.
      People change, jobs change, you change, and you embrace it. Change is constant and it will remain. Whatever the change may be, you take a leap of faith and learn to just go with it.
    9. You are comfortable in your own skin.
      Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with yourself, and that is perfectly okay with you. You’ve learned to embrace your looks & your body! You think twice when eating fast food, drink lots of water, exercise regularly and dress to flatter your best feature.
    10. The sun is not your friend.
      You moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! You spend a little extra cash on serums, SPF & moisturizers … Eventually, you even start seeing it as a good investment. There, I said it!

PS: A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to talk about this topic with Fusion’s Alicia Menendez, 99 Jamz’ Felisha Monet, and TTWN’s traffic reporter, Jennifer Riley in the AM Tonight edition of “That’s What She Said.” Check out the video below.

Are you a grown man or woman yet? How do you know? Join the convo…



Vannia Enriquez

Vannia is Flair Miami's senior editor. Vannia has over 5 years experience in the journalism industry. She is an avid lover of Miami and all things fashion, fitness, food and fun!

2 Discussion to this post

  1. Stephanie Beign says:

    I work fulltime,do dishes and my own laundry. I’m a grown woman. :(

  2. Rosario Crew says:

    vannia querida sobrina estuviste fenomenal felicidades!

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